
名前・・・ 大門小百合(だいもんさゆり)


経歴・・・ 高校時代に米ペンシルバニアにある私立のパーキオメン高校に留学。上智大学在学中交換留学生としてニュージーランドのオークランド大学に1年間留学。上智大学卒業後、英字新聞ジャパンタイムズに就職。政治、経済、産業担当の記者を経て編集デスクとなる。2000年9月から、ハーバード大学にニーマンフェロー(ジャーナリストのためのフェローシップ)として、1年間留学。 2004年6月に長女を出産し、2005年3月から、国際ジャーナリストの夫(田中 宇)とともにサウジアラビアの王立研究所へ研究員として招かれ、子連れでサウジアラビア首都リヤドに滞在する。現在は帰国し、ジャパンタイムズ報道部デスク。

年齢・・・ ??? 女性なので、秘密です。

*Some of my articles in the Japan Times

Yasuo Tanaka-Nagano's Champion of Change

Saudi women going into business

Hashimoto urges Koizumi to diversify diplomacy

Battle for power waged on voters' screens

Japan to offer $5 billion over four years to Iraq

Peacenik taps art world to parody war

A dollhouse of sorrow and villainy

Students schooled in politics, not apathy

School has an ear for Korean language

Taiwanese youths becoming Japan fans

LDP race unofficially under way

New Defense Role: Next step is to free up SDF

Vote with criteria in mind: Hosokawa


Sayuri Daimon is a reporter and editor for The Japan Times, Japan's largest English-language daily. She joined the newspaper in 1991, and since then, she has been assigned to cover various fields ranging from politics to business and industry.

She has espeically coverd Japanese politics intensively, writing various articles on major political events, including the general election of 1993 when the ruling Liberal Demcoratic Party lost power for the first time in 38 years.

During the period she covered economics and business between 1994 and 1997, Daimon has also written a series of stories on Japan's economic struggles after the collapse of the asset-inflated ``bubble economy'' in the late 1980s and the Asian currency crisis in the summer of 1997.

She won the Nieman fellowship for 2000-2001 at Harvard University, the oldest fellowship for journalists in the U.S.

She currently lives with her husband Sakai Tanaka in Tokyo. Tanaka is a freelance online journalist, who writes articles on foreign affairs once a week.